When conducting academic research, it is important to use scholarly resources. Our school subscribes to databases to help you with research. Databases are large collections of information that have been written by people that are considered experts in their fields. Information contained in databases has been reviewed and edited for accuracy and is frequently updated. Sometimes the database content has been previously printed in journals, newspapers, books, encyclopedias, or reference books.
1st and 2nd grade:
1. What?: Identify the type of source (Book, website, magazine, interview, etc.)
2. Who?: Name of author (if available)
3. What?: Title of book, website, magazine
4. When?: Publish/copyright year (if available)
Book Sara Louise Kras Koalas 2010 |
Website "Koalas" PebbleGo 2016 |
3rd-5th grade
Who?, What?, Where?, When?
Book: Author’s last name, Author’s first name. Title of Book. City, Publisher, Copyright date. Snedden, Robert. Earth’s Shifting Surface. Chicago, Raintree, 2010.
Website: Author’s last name, Author’s first name. “Title of page/article.” Name of Website. Date website/article was published. <website address/URL>. "Tsunami." Britannica School. <http://school.eb.com>. |
Image: (Photograph, painting, etc.) Artist's last name, Artist's first name. "Title/Name of Image". Image. Name of Website. Date of creation/publication. <website address/URL>. "Caddo: village". Image. Britannica School. 19 Sep. 2016. <http://media1.school.eb.com/eb-media/80/132280-050-52ACAD3B.jpg>