1st and 2nd grade:
1. What?: Identify the type of source (Book, website, magazine, interview, etc.)
2. Who?: Name of author (if available)
3. What?: Title of book, website, magazine
4. When?: Publish/copyright year (if available)
Book Sara Louise Kras Koalas 2010 |
Website "Koalas" PebbleGo 2016 |
3rd-5th grade
Who?, What?, What?, When?, Where?
Book: Author’s last name, Author’s first name. Title of Book. Copyright date. Snedden, Robert. Earth’s Shifting Surface. 2010.
Website: Author’s last name, Author’s first name. “Title of page/article.” Name of website. Date you visited the website. <website address/URL>. "Tsunami." Britannica School. 16 Feb. 2016. <http://school.eb.com>. |
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